I have developed a career of over 30 years in software engineering, principally in design and data management in development functions and project management, mainly developing web applications and designing websites for companies in different areas, including the construction of educational platforms. More than ten years ago, I reoriented my career towards the health area and worked in various institutions on issues of structuring and analysis of complex health data in several research laboratories in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Chile. I have worked as a project coordinator and Product Owner of software under agile environments using tools such as JIRA, Confluence and others for agile software project management. Business process modelling in BPMN tools and data process automation with KNIME and other software.

I am open to contributing and the same time learning from new challenges.



Professor of Natural Sciences and Biology, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile – Chile, December 1987.

Computer and Informatics Engineer, Instituto Profesional Virginio Gómez, Chile, December 2013.

Diploma in Public Health and Health Care Networks, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Concepción, Chile, December 2013.

Master’s Degree in Medical Informatics, Universidad de Chile – Santiago, Chile, December 2016.

Diploma in Artificial Intelligence, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso – Santiago de Chile, december 2018

Diploma in Predictive Modeling and Machine Learning, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso – Santiago de Chile, July 2019.

Diploma in Geriatrics and Gerontology, INTA, Universidad de Chile. April 2022 to December 2022.


Good Clinical Practices, Good Clinical Practices Course, Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile and Grupo de Investigación Cooperativa Oncológica de Chile. Based on ICH E6 (R2) guidelines.

Standards in Health. Analysis of its impact on the implementation of electronic clinical risk. School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile. January 13-17, 2014.

Use of mobile technologies as a tool for research and implementation of health policies. School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile. January 20-24, 2014.

International Workshop in Cancer Genomics and Bioinformatics. January 17-27. 2017. School of Medicine, University of Chile.

Workshop course on NGS Clinical Genetics and research: data analysis and interpretation. 2018. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.

Conferences and Seminars

29 sep. 2017. III Health Informatics Symposium.
“Datagenomed. Integration of clinical and genetic information for patients with cancer”.

27- 28 sep. 2018. IV Health Informatics Symposium.
“Tele-Committee Neuro-Oncological Tool”, and “OpenDataClinica: Biomedical research platform”.

17-17 ene. 2019. Adopt BBMRI-ERIC Biobanking Workshop. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

17-20 noviembre 2020. Europe Biobank Week.
Poster “Opendataclinica as a platform for the exchange of open data from clinical studies”.11-14 may 2020. Biomedical Research Training Workshop Week. Implementing Biomedical Research Projects. Organizado por EJP RD, BBMRI-ERIC, EASI-Genomics.

University teaching

Universidad de Las AméricasUniversidad de Talca
Data Bases
Business Analytics
Fundamentals of Intelligent Systems
Information Technology
Information Systems and Technologies

Work experience

Director of Tecnologies (CTO)
Fundación Conecta Mayor., July 2021 to March 2022.
Responsible for the coordination, management and monitoring of initiatives and actions in the technological field promoted by the Foundation. Design of data governance and structuring of IT technologies for data analysis. Leading as Product Owner the development of the software installed in the 80 thousand cell phones granted by the Foundation to the elderly (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cl.entel.ocean.launcherconectamayor). In addition, the design and construction of the content portal associated with the Foundation’s service.

CEO y Founder
Opendataclinica SPA – Santiago, Chile, December 2019 to December 2020
GesManagement and development of a web platform for biomedical information management and clinical research based on different diagnoses according to the needs of the researcher, biobank or health center. For multicenter studies and specialized clinical records focused on patient follow-up, with emphasis on cancer, chronic pathologies or rare diseases. 

University professor
Universidad de Las Américas – Santiago de Chile, August 2019 to december 2021.
Professor of Data Analysis and Database courses.

University professor
Universidad de Talca, Santiago de Chile, June 2019 to present.
Professor of Office Automation and Information Systems and Technologies.

CTIO Biobanco Universidad de Chile
University of Chile Hospital Clínico – Santiago, Chile, April 2016 to September 2019.
Coordination of medical informatics services for the University of Chile biobank program, as part of the functions; Noraybank LIMS software administrator. Website support and administration, database development and administration. Clinical data integration and data analytics management and information systems management and extraction of biomedical data from collected samples.

Software Engineer
Center for Mathematical Modeling. University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, January 2017 to December 2018.
Senior software engineer at the Center for Mathematical Modeling, University of Chile, for the construction of the Neurogen project. Development of a clinical information system for neuropediatric pathologies at the Hospital Clínico San Borja Arriarán.

Research Assistant
Chilean Genomic Laboratory, Human Genetics Program, ICBM, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, April 2016 to April 2018.
Infrastructure implementation, Linux server administration, computer support on linux servers and software for genomic analysis. Senior software engineer at the chilegenomic laboratory for the construction of the genomic research laboratory management software.

Research assistant
Department of Human Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, April 2014 to April 2016.
Consultant for the Laboratory of Biomathematics and Integrative Omics, Department of Human Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile. Development of an online platform for the capture of psychological survey data for Alzheimer’s patients. Biological data analytics.

Coordinator and Consultant in Enlaces Project.
Executing unit of the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception from 1996 to 1997.
Teacher of computer workshops for teachers under the executing unit of the faculty of education Universidad de Concepción from 1998 to 1999.

Coordinator and computer advisor. Master in Education Program
1998 a 2000. Faculty of Education. Catholic University of the Santisima Concepción.

Teacher, Crisol Department
1988 a 1996. Coordinator of internal affairs and teaching at Crisol Department. Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception.

IT Skills

CSS3 90%
HTML5 90%
PHP 90%
VueJS 70%
R 75%
Python 85%
PostgreSQL 95%
MySQL 88%
Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP Stack 85%
Data Mining 85%
Data Analytics 85%
Web Development 90%
Machine Learning 75%
Project Management 90%
Scrum 82%
KNIME Analytics Platform 80%
SQL 85%
MS SQL Server 80%
Microsoft Azure Service 80%
Azure Functions App Services 90%

English proficiency